Cultural treasures that Croatia has once again amazed the world this year. UNESCO, after last year's seven, has included three phenomena on the list of intangible world heritage – the Sinj Alka, the art of making licitar hearts, and ojkanje. The Alka is a popular knightly game held in honor of the victory over the Turks in the 18th century. Men dressed in traditional costumes on horseback try to hit a metal ring with a spear while the gathered audience passionately supports them. The traditional souvenir of Central Croatia, the licitar heart, is made from honey dough and richly decorated; once, giving such a heart was a sign of a young man's deep affection for a girl. Ojkanje is a traditional way of singing that Croatian culture inherited from the ancient inhabitants of these regions. It is very specifically described as the performance of a melodic line while "the singer manages to hold their breath."