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14:00h - 22:00h

Istria presents the Legendfest - a magical formula for good times

Print Posté: 21/07/11
 Istria presents the Legendfest - a magical formula for good times

On July 29, Istria will draw you into the heart of magic - the town of Pićan, where the sixth Legendfest will begin. For the three-day festival, theater companies, musicians and artists will bring to life Istrian myths, legends and stories.

In its own fun and unique way, Istria will introduce you to its customs, read your fortune in tarot cards and mesmerize you with the sounds of unusual instruments, made of tall trees steeped in moss. Shows and performances are meant to involve the audience; it should therefore come as no surprise if a pirate should step in your way and ask for all the gold you happen to be carrying, or an elf to hand you a treasure map. The mystical ambience will be enhanced by street art with a three-dimensional appearance.
Legendfest is very popular with children, for whom numerous workshops are planned, such as pottery or cloth fairy manufacture, in addition to the opportunities for socializing with fairy-tale characters.

Do not miss a chance to reawaken the inner child in Istria, from whose Legendfest you will be returning home with a reinvigorated spirit.



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