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Cavtat in Switzerland

Print Publicado: 19/10/10
Cavtat in Switzerland

Cavtat has been promoted in Switzerland in the best possible way by majorettes. 14th European majorettes tournament was held in the town of Neuchâtel from 8th till 10th of October. Girls from Cavtat won gold medal in the traditional corps category for juniors appearing in front of judges in uniforms inspired by traditional clothes of their home region. Their success is even greater when one takes into consideration that more than 900 majorettes from 14 countries participated in this contest. Cavtat and folk dance ensemble “Vlaho Bukovac”, whose members these girls are, are extremely proud of their success. The girls have been successful for years as they have accomplished significant results at the most important domestic competitions. Those who attended indoor football match held in Cavtat last weekend between Konavle and Croatian national team had the chance to see the winning routine.



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