Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
For the first time I used the services or services For now, I have no regrets about words, but only the most beautiful ones. Now, for a well deserved vacation, let me add that tagline to i. I wish you many successful and quality business years.
Prvič sem uporabil storitve oz. usluge Zaenkrat nimam nobenih žal besed temveč le vse najlepše. Sedaj pa na zaslužen dopust, da dodam še tisto taglavno piko na i. Vam pa želim še mnooooogo uspešnih in tako kvalitetnih poslovnih let.
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(14 July 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
Everything is simple and clear, otherwise I will not otherwise organize our vacation. Thanks for the administration
Minden egyszerűen és egyértelműen ment, máskor sem fogom másként megszervezni a nyaralásunk. Köszönjük az ügyintézést
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(14 July 2008)
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Hungarian (original)
I was very happy with's access. Everything was simple, fast, easy and absolutely seamless! Thank you very much: wink:
S přístupem cestovní kanceláře jsem byl velice spokojen. Vše bylo jednoduché, rychlé, snadné a absolutně bezproblémové! Díky moc.:wink:
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(14 July 2008)
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Czech (original)
Nice day, It's my first experience with the internet booking order. For the time being, I am very satisfied and I appreciate mainly calmness and very good communication. The whole family is very happy to stay and I hope they will be satisfied. I have a very good impression. Thank you very much Peter Tomaskovic
Pekný deň,
Je to moja prvá skúsenosť čo sa týka objednávky ubytovania
cez internet. Zatiaľ som veľmi spokojný a oceňujem hlavne ústretovosť a veľmi dobrú komunikáciu.Celá rodina sa už veľmi teší na pobyt a dúfam,že budú spokojní.Zatiaľ z toho mám veľmi dobrý dojem. Ďakujem
s pozdravom Peter Tomaškovič
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(13 July 2008)
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Slovak (original)
I am very pleased, thank Mr. Petrani for a professional approach.
Jsem velice spokojená, děkuji p. Petraniové za profesionální přístup.
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(13 July 2008)
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Czech (original)
I used services for the first time, and I must admit that I am pleasantly surprised both by the contents and the nature of your offers, as well as by the way of reserving and paying for your services. I hope that it will be a pleasure both on completion of our vacation and the possibility of continuing cooperation with your agency. The Sedlar family wants many business successes and the satisfaction of you and your employees.
Prvič sem uporabljal storitve, in moram priznati, da sem prijetno presenečen tako nad vsebino kot obliko vaših ponudb, prav tako tudi z načinom rezervacij in plačil vaših uslug. Upam da bo zadovoljstvo obojestransko tudi po zaključku našega dopustovanja in možnostjo nadaljevanja sodelovanja z vašo agencijo.
Veliko poslovnih uspehov ter zadovoljstva vas in vaših zaposlenih želi družina Sedlar.
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(13 July 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
I used the services of Adriatic.Hr for the first time and I am satisfied: smile: I would like to receive better information about the site and tips for excursions.I was browsing the site about the competition.This would be available to the owners of the object: kiss: someone to pack your holiday at home with your computer, your traveler is the right tip!: cool:
Využil som služby Adriatic.Hr prvý krát a som spokojný.:smile:Privítal by som lepšiu informovanosť o danej lokalite a tipy na výlety.Prospekty o lokalite som zháňal u konkurenčných CK.Stačilo by,aby nimi disponovali majitelia objektu:kiss:Ak chce niekto vybaviť dovolenku doma pri počítači,vaša cestovka je ten správny tip!:cool:
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(13 July 2008)
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Slovak (original)
I am very satisfied with the reservation services. From the travel agency we received accurate and timely information with other offers. Communication with the office was a professional one. I recommend using the accommodation service.
Jsem velmi spokojen s rezervaními službami. Od cestovní kanceláře jsme dostávali přesné a včasné informace, i s dalšími nabídkami. Komunikace s kanceláří probýhala na profesionální úrovni. Doporučuji využít služby při hledání ubytování.
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(12 July 2008)
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Czech (original)
I am only 15 years old but we have just arrived a week ago in Omis -> Dugi Rat, although we did not use this service because my dad is a good hortita! But I can say it to everyone like Gyula Fischer that the Omis and Makarska neighborhood are the most beautiful !! : Lol:: lol:: lol:: lol:: lol:: lol: Sometimes it's like I've lived there, and it's a pity!: Snose: It was really cool !! Those who can visit this area are very friendly in the area around Dalmatia !! : happy: Good vacation for everyone and nice memories! : smile: I LOVE OMIS -> Dugi Rat i Makarska: heart :: heart:
Én még csak 15 éves vagyok de mi most jöttünk meg egy hete Omis-->Dugi rat mellől ugyan nem használktuk ezt a szolgáltatást mert apukám jól tud hortvátul!! De azt mindenkeinek elmondhatom én is mint Fischer Gyula hogy télleg Omis és Makarska környék a legszebb!! Ugyan hosszú az út de megéri!!:smile:
Én olyan jól éreztem magam hogy nem szivessen jöttem haza!! Néha olyan mintha ott éltem volna és gyötörne a honvágy!:snose: Nagyon szuper volt!! Aki teheti látogasson el erre a környékre az emberek Dalmácia (lenti részén)környékén nagyon barátságossak!!:happy: Jó nyaralást mindenki nek és szép emlékeket kívánok! :smile: I LOVE OMIS-->Dugi rat and Makarska:heart::heart:
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(12 July 2008)
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Hungarian (original)
I am very happy to recommend this website, the day before departure I decided to go to Croatia and within 1 hour before departure I was very nice and quickly served - including information about payment options, and a sent voucher, I just came back and I can confirm all the information about place and quarters which I bought in this office, I RECOMMEND !!!
Bardzo chętnie mogę polecić tą stronę netu, dzień przed wyjazdem zdecydowałem się jechać na Chorwację i w ciągu 1 godziny przed wyjazdem zostałem bardzo mile i szybko obsłużony - włącznie z informacją o możliwościach zapłaty, a także przesłanym voucherem, właśnie wróciłem i z całą odpowiedzialnością mogę potwierdzić informację o miejscu i kwaterze którą wykupiłem w tym biurze, POLECAM!!!
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(11 July 2008)
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Polish (original)