Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Website very functional, quick response to orders: smile :: smile:
Strona internetowa bardzo funkcjonalna, szybka reakcja na zamówienia:smile::smile:
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(21 July 2008)
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Polish (original)
Dear! By this way I want to inform you that your service is ok, the pages are clear and clear, just a little more attention should be paid to updating the free terms on your pages with the owner's terms of the site so that there would be no deviations.
Ovim putem želim Vas obavijestiti da vam je usluga ok, stranice su pregledne i jasne, samo malo više pozornosti treba obratiti na ažuriranje slobodnih termina na vašim stranicama sa terminima vlasnika objekta, kako ne bi dolazilo do odstupanja.
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(21 July 2008)
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Croatian (original)
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(21 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
For the moment, great service.
Per il momento ottimo servizio.
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(21 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
Excellent service with the environment and the accommodation we were very satisfied, the offer corresponded to the reality up to those stairs had to be and were exactly 17.I do not know how it would be in the case of a disabled person.see to Croatia every year and unfortunately we encounter these falsities We were very satisfied with the accommodation.
Výborné služby s prostředím a ubytováním jsme byli velmi spokojeni,nabídka odpovídala skutečnosti až na ty schody mělo jich být o a bylo jich přesně 17.Nevím ,jak by to bylo v případě invalidního člověka.jezdíme do Chorvatska každý rok a bohužel s těmito nepravdami se setkáváme.Co se týkalo ubytování byli jsme velmi spokojeni.
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(21 July 2008)
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Czech (original)
Very good contact. A rich offer. Accommodation consistent with the description, in addition to problems with parking (it is not stated in the description that access is possible only at night and in the morning.
Bardzo dobry kontakt.Bogata oferta.
Kwatera zgodna z opisem,oprócz problemów z parkowaniem(nie podano w opisie,że dojazd jest możliwy tylko nocą i rano.
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(20 July 2008)
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Polish (original)
website very well done and very functional Plus thank you for your advice by mail and phone. Bravo!
site internet très bien fait et très fonctionnel
De plus merci pour vos conseils par mail et par téléphone. Bravo!
You've rated us:
(19 July 2008)
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French (original)
Many thanks to the staff of the agency for the excellent work! Thank you for the Russian version of the site! It is very convenient and easy to navigate and find suitable options. The choice is huge! The information is the most detailed. Special thanks to Svetlana Golubich, who quickly answers all questions even at the height of the tourist season! Hvala lijepo!
Большое спасибо сотрудникам агентства за отличную работу ! Спасибо за русскую версию сайта ! Очень удобно и просто ориентироваться и находить подходящие варианты. Выбор огромный ! Информация самая подробная. Особое спасибо Светлане Голубич, которая быстро отвечает на все вопросы даже в самый разгар туристического сезона ! Hvala lijepo !
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(19 July 2008)
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Russian (original)
one-time service, quick and easy, I really am without words. next year, I'm advertising again. I mostly praise the girl for girls, but today it is impossible to find a person in Croatia who could talk to the Slovenian people, because of that many thanks to Dunja;-)
enkratna storitev, hitro in enostavno, res sem brez besed. naslednje leto se spet oglasim.predvsem pohvale puncam za slovenscino,danes pa je na hrvaskem nemogoce najdet cloveka s kom bi se lahko slovenki pogovarjal, zaradi tega veliko, neizmerno hvala Dunji;-)
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(19 July 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
This is the first time I have booked an apartment with the and I have to say that the service seemed very serious and effective ... now I wait to arrive in the booked studio for the final confirmation of my good impressions!
Questa è la prima volta che prenoto un appartamento con l' e devo dire che il servizio mi è sembrato molto serio ed efficace...ora attendo di arrivare nel monolocale prenotato per la conferma definitiva delle mie buone impressioni!:wink:
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(19 July 2008)
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Italian (original)