Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
The website is simple and the choice is extremely extensive, but I have to praise it. Dunja, who saved me from completing a credit card payment. : wink:
Spletna stran je enostavna in izbira izjemno obsežna, pohvaliti pa moram ga. Dunjo, ki me je rešila zapleta pri plačilu s kreditno kartico.
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(22 July 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
: lol: Despite a very last-minute journey, we have found in two days by the very good and quick care an apartment that meets our expectations. In particular, the absolutely helpful use of Mrs. Nela Panic should be highlighted here! Thank you, we will use your services again!
Trotz einer sehr Last-minute-Reise haben wir in zwei Tagen durch die sehr gute und rasche Betreuung ein Apartment gefunden, das unseren Erwartungen entspricht. Insbesondere der absolut hilfsbereite Einsatz von Frau Nela Panic soll hier hervorgehoben werden! Vielen Dank, wir werden wieder Ihre Dienste in Anspruch nehmen!
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(22 July 2008)
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German (original)
I was very pleased with the promise of the service and the fact that we could also collaborate in Romanian
Am fost foarte multumita de promtitudinea serviciului si de faptul ca am putut colabora si in limba romana
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(22 July 2008)
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Romanian (original)
I was pleasantly impressed by your site that includes a no. impressive offers and promptness with which you have responded.
Am fost placut impresionati de site-ul cuprinde un nr. impresionant de oferte si de promptitudinea cu care ne-ati raspuns.
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(22 July 2008)
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Romanian (original)
Excellent web page: quick: in the languages chosen by me English, Romanian, Hungarian. Professional services, promise, slow bank transfer from outside Croatia.
Pagina Web realizata excelent.:smile:,in limbile alese de mine engleza, romana ,maghiara.
Servicii oferite profesionale,promtitudine ,transferul bancar cam lent din afara Croatiei.
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(22 July 2008)
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Romanian (original)
absolutely satisfied. The online service is excellent and the operators speak very well Italian and are very patient and available. We also asked for other information and they were very kind in helping us. Surely we will address them in the future if we return to Croatia !!: lol :: lol :: lol:
assulutamente contenti. Il servizio on-line è ottimo e le operatrici parlano benissimo italiano e sono molto pazienti e disponibili.
Abbiamo chiesto anche informazioni di altro genere e sono state gentilissime nell'aiutarci.
Sicuramente ci rivolgeremo a loro, in futuro, se torneremo in croazia!!:lol::lol::lol:
You've rated us:
(21 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
I always have a voucher in my hand, but the communication, the choice of the place, the speed of bad ties p.Kelecsenyi I consider highly professional. I also believe that the accommodation and the place will meet the standards, as set on the website of Adriatic. After the holiday, .Thank you good and quick to buy your vacation.:wink:
Ziatial mam v ruke len voucher,ale komunikacia, vyber miesta, rychlost spatnej vazby p.Kelecsenyi povazujem za vysoko profesionalne.Pevne verim, ze aj ubytovanie a miesto budu splnat normy, tak ako su stanovene na stranke spolocnosti Adriatic.Po dovolenke pridem dopisat ostatok.Velmi dobry a rychly sposob nakupu dovolenky.:wink:
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(21 July 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Anonimno is an agency you really deserve to trust este o agentie in care chiar merita sa aveti incredere
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(21 July 2008)
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Romanian (original)
Hello. I want to thank you for your excellent cooperation in arranging our holiday. It was amazing. The holiday location and the accommodation were great and exactly according to your description as well as the photos on offer. Everything sat in the smallest detail. The hosts are very nice and willing to come to us in difficult situations. I'm looking forward to further cooperation with your agency. I wish you a lot of success and a lot of satisfied customers. Sincerely, Marek Gajda
Dobrý den.
Chci vám poděkovat za výtečnou spolupráci při zařizování naši dovolené. Bylo to úžasné. Místo dovolené i ubytování bylo skvělé a přesně dle vašeho popisu i dle fotografií v nabídce. Vše sedělo do nejmenších detailů. Domácí jsou moc příjemní a ochotně nám vyšli vtříc i v tíživých situacích.
Už se těším na další spolupráci s vaší agenturou. Přeji vám hodně úspěchů a hodně spokojených zákazníků. S pozdravem Marek Gajda
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(21 July 2008)
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Czech (original)
Super holiday. Thank you CK Adriatic.
Super dovolená.
Děkujeme CK Adriatic.
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(21 July 2008)
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Czech (original)